Orange bags will be available at the Volunteer Hub between Shaws and the Drawing Board and on the VCFA Green on Sat, Aug 26 from 9 am to 2 pm. Leave full bags roadside. Montpelier DPW will pick up all orange bags on Monday and bring them to the transfer station.
Please use safety precautions when working in and around water and roadsides.
Thank you for your service to Vermont and your help to keep our lands beautiful.
8 Responses
Hi –
I would like to volunteer to help with the Green Up Clean Up in Montpelier on Saturday, August 26.
Please let me know how to sign up.
I do not apps – no cell reception – email is best.
Thank you Joanne
You can simply for the instructions on the web page:
Orange bags will be available at the Volunteer Hub between Shaws and the Drawing Board and on the VCFA Green on Sat, Aug 26 from 9 am to 2 pm. Leave full bags roadside. Montpelier DPW will pick up all orange bags on Monday and bring them to the transfer station.
Please use safety precautions when working in and around water and roadsides.
Thank you for your service to Vermont and your help to keep our lands beautiful.
The volunteer hub will be able to point you in a direction of need. Thank you!
I want to help.
Hi Heather
Thanks for wanting to help.
Please stop into the Volunteer Hub located right next to Shaws to pick up bags and find a clean up location.
Thank you
I would like to volunteer on Saturday the 26th if possible
Please send an email as I have a question
Hi Ryan,
Please email me your question directly to greenup@greenupvermont.org
thanks We would love to see you on Sat.
Good News! The Hinesburgh Public House restaurant is sending a gang of employees to aid in your efforts. We will be there early Saturday morning and look forward to making some progress!
Wonderful. Thank you for coming with your gang! Please check in at the Volunteer hub at 9 or after. The hub is located right next to Shaws in Montpelier.
Thank you Please take some photos and text them to me at 802-522-7245 and I will post on our social what the Hinesburgh Public House is up to.